What’s the big secret? Growing mint in pots outside is a subject which is being sought after and also liked by many internetizens today. You too can save the growing mint in pots outside for your benefit. Just follow some of these steps and you’ll be well on your way to a minty new garden all in no time.
First, check the area where you plan to grow mint. You might want to plant it near a window if the natural light is sufficient. If the px is too small, your potted plants may not thrive properly. It is also important to determine whether you would like your potted plants to grow mint in pots or if you wish to grow herbs…or even both. For instance, if you are planning to plant mint in pots outdoors, you will need to be prepared to give your plants adequate drainage. This is especially true of container herb gardening.
Do you wish to grow mints indoors? Do you know what to do about the moisture? You may be pleased to know that it really is quite simple to provide proper moisture for your growing herbs…even mints! There is an easy solution that involves putting a few drops of water directly on the top of your pot.
The idea of growing mint in pots is that it gives you the flexibility of planting it anywhere you can get direct sunlight. With a bit of care, you can be sure that your potted plants will thrive just like they would in your herb planting bed. Some suggestions regarding proper growing conditions include making sure your px is somewhere it can receive 6 hours of direct sunlight, as well as, avoiding drafts by using an appropriate screen door. If your ex does not have a screen door (or at least one that can be covered), be sure to place a plastic sheet over it to help prevent excess UV from reaching the herbs…which can be harmful to your plants. Proper ventilation is also important if you wish to grow mints indoors.
Before planting growing herbs in px, it’s important to remember a few things. First and foremost, be sure to prepare the area by removing weeds and rocks around the px. It is also recommended that you take the soil and fill it with compost prior to planting growing herbs in px. If you follow these steps before planting growing herbs…you will find your pots will do much better!
Of course, you want to choose containers that are designed for growing mint! Choose pots that are wide, deep, with lots of room to allow for good root drainage and an evanescent drip system. You may also want to consider growing mint in pots outside on raised beds, but this is not necessary. Just make sure the soil is rich in nutrients such as, nitrogen, potassium, magnesium, etc. Just remember that any plants you purchase should be certified organic and have been grown without harmful chemicals, herbicides or pesticides.
Once you have chosen your growing mint plants, remember that they should receive the proper amounts of light and water to ensure healthy growth. Be careful not to over-water your plants, as this can result in wilting and root rot. If you are growing mint in px containers, remember to let the soil dry between waterings.
Finally, the most important thing when growing mint in pots outside is to be patient! Growing mint can be a very tedious task and sometimes, you just want to move on to something else. However, there is nothing wrong with sticking to your plan. Just remember, this hobby can become a very rewarding one.