If you have decided that container gardening is the way for you to go, you will soon discover the joys of herb pots. It is a great way to bring the beauty of your home indoors and to still be able to enjoy the outdoors. You can plant mints, basil, or any other type of herb and bring it right to your patio table. What is also nice is that you do not need a special pot if you do not have one. All you need are regular pots that are large enough to hold at least one small plant. The key is to start out with a larger container and then as you learn more about container gardening and how to care for your plants, you can make smaller containers for your smaller plants.
If you are just getting started with container gardening, you may want to start out with a simple five-gallon pot that has several holes in it. These can be used for herbs that do not grow very big. Many herb plants will bloom quite well with only a five-gallon container.
Your first container gardening project should be a four foot by two foot pot that has a thin layer of gravel on the bottom. This gravel is a good place to start when you are just learning how to take care of your garden. Once you know the basics, you can move on to bigger pots. Keep in mind that herbs do not like being crowded. They like to have their own spot in the sun and to have room to grow. A simple four foot by two foot pot will give you all of this and much more.
You will want to use a soil that is rich in nutrients for your herb plants. One easy way to add extra nutrients is to break up your own fertilizers. Do not use any commercial fertilizers, just your own. This will keep your herb garden free from chemicals and your container gardening will be healthy and beautiful for years to come.
Your herb pots need to be well maintained also. You should water them once a week or as recommended by the manufacturer. You do not want your herbs to drown. Drying out the herbs in water could cause them to wilt. When you think they are ready to be planted, remove them from their container and place them in your herb pot.
You will want to consider pruning your outdoor herb plants if you live in a climate with a lot of rainfall. This will help them grow and thrive. If you live in an area where you get a lot of sunshine, be sure to fertilize your herb plants. This will help them to come back full of blooms and vibrant energy.
Herb containers make beautiful containers for your outdoor herb plants. You can be creative and decorative with them. If you get a creative streak going, you can even design them with pebbles so that they will look like they came straight out of your garden. Be sure to pick herbs that grow well together because you may find yourself purchasing several containers.
Herb container gardening is a wonderful outdoor hobby. It is easy to start your container gardening project today. All it takes is your imagination. As you plant your herbs, remember to water them generously. Be sure to mulch your outdoor plants when they get close to the ground. These things will ensure that your herbs will thrive.
Outdoor container gardening can be a great way to bring the outdoors into your home. One of the benefits is that you can take your herbs with you and enjoy the fresh taste all year long. Outdoor container gardening is great because you can grow herbs in small spaces, outside. It is very easy to manage. In addition, it is also convenient and sometimes free, to have your own outdoor herb pots.
You do not have to be a professional gardener to have some containers in your garden. If you want, you can purchase a container gardening kit that will give you all the instructions you need. You can learn a lot by doing this type of activity. And once you start container gardening, you will want to keep expanding your efforts.
There are many varieties of herb pots available. They vary in size, shapes, and colors. You can choose from ceramic pots, clay pots, and terracotta pots. There are also personalized herb pots in which you can have an image or a special message on the pot. These pots make a beautiful accent piece for your kitchen counter or patio.