For many apartment dwellers, growing their own food is out of the question. After all, there’s no where near enough storage space for all those organic vegetables. In this scenario, apartment gardening becomes an attractive proposition. You don’t need a big area; you can get away with only a few square feet. And with some simple apartment gardening tips and tricks, you can make your apartment garden grow potatoes.
In order to grow potatoes on your balcony, you need three things: good soil, water and a plant. All these things are available at any garden center. You can also grow some herbs such as basil and chives, if you have them. An interesting idea is to plant a vine that produces fresh and tasty strawberries.
Before you plant anything, you need to prepare the soil properly. Soak it for three days and let it drain completely. It’s a good idea to add some bone meal to the soil. Once the soil is ready, you can now plant seeds of potatoes. These should be planted one at a time so they grow fast. The number of potatoes you plant depends on the space you have on your balcony.
When the seedlings are ready, you can now plant them in rows. Since you’re using small plants, you don’t have to worry about the roots to be thick. Just plant them at their potential and watch them grow. If you’re going to grow potatoes indoors, just remember to move the pots every couple of weeks because they might not be able to support the weight.
Since you’re using small containers, there’s no problem with pests. Also, you can place netting over the plants to prevent them from getting tangled with each other. Another thing to consider is sunlight. Try to keep the apartment garden away from the southern part of the city where the sun is stronger.
You can also plant onions next to the peppers because they’re great plants as well. Garlic is also a great plant because it helps to deter flies from bothering your apartment. Potatoes, onions and peppers will all grow faster and healthier if they’re kept in an area that gets lots of sunlight and also has good drainage. It’s also important to keep your plants well watered. So, it’s a good idea to put some fish netting over the plants so they don’t get their feet wet.
It’s also important that you monitor the vegetables carefully. You want to make sure that they’re growing and producing healthy vegetables. It’s a good idea to trim the plants often so they look fuller. Also, if you see any weeds sprouting, you can pull them immediately before they take over the whole area. You can also use netting to cover the plants so they don’t get wind-borne.
Growing your own vegetables is a great way to save money and also save a little extra time. You can do it almost anywhere, including your balcony. Make sure that you follow the directions carefully so you don’t kill the plants. It’s a good idea to talk to other people who have done it or read some books about gardening to find out what works best for you. Sometimes, just getting out there and planting can be enough of a motivator. It can help you enjoy a garden right on your balcony.
Many people like the idea of being able to grow their own food. However, it can be hard to get started. If you’re not used to it, you might need some help. Find some books or tutorials that can help you grow better. You can also visit a nursery in your area and speak to an expert who can give you tips about what kind of plants to grow.
When it comes to growing potatoes, a good mulch is vital. It will keep the soil damp and allow your plants to thrive. If you have a shady area, then you should only plant high growing perennial types such as onions, beans, broccoli, and potatoes. Choose the ones with a large leaf size so they’ll spread their roots under the mulch. They’ll spread their roots deep into the mulch, where it will help them grow quickly.
If you don’t have any high growth plants in your balcony at the moment, you can always plant low growing annuals and perennial herbs next to your plants. It’s not very unusual to see herb gardens sprouting up in containers within months. You need to be careful with these though – perennials love moist soil and can easily drown in the water!